Blooms In The Rose Garden
Here are a few photos of the latest blooms in the rose garden. I want to also say that all of these roses smell deliciously rosy! The Alnwick Rose (English rose) Kathleen Harrop (antique Bourbon rose) Alfred Colomb (hybrid perpetual) Olivia Rose Austin (English rose) […]
Missing In Action and Resolution Updates
Lately, I have been missing in action, at least from the blogosphere. Since the restructuring at work, everyone has gone bananas. It has been frustrating and mentally draining. However, I am beginning, slowly, to be able to return to my regular work, and our team […]
I am very excited that tomorrow is the start of Joshua Becker’s online course Uncluttered. The timing of the course could not be better for me. I just finished the big, nightmare project at work, and this is the perfect time to refocus on home, […]
The More Of Less
I have been lucky enough to receive an advance reading copy of Joshua Becker’s new book The More Of Less. I am so excited and grateful that I was selected to receive an advance reading copy, signed by the author himself! The book arrived Friday, […]
First Blooms
Dogwood Winter is over and the weather has warmed up wonderfully. The warm weather has brought the very first blossoms in my new rose garden. Here is Kathleen Harrop. The photo does not do justice to the beautiful true pink color of her blossoms. And […]
Purity Moosic City Dairy Dash 10K 2016
Today was the Purity Moosic City Dairy Dash 15K, 10K, and 5K. I ran the 10k, as did my daughter, and my husband chose the 5K. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. At 6:00 AM, when we left the house, […]