Category: health
I have spent the past two weeks establishing an exercise routine, with the help of Nerd Fitness Academy. I have also focused on cleaning up my nutrition. In order to increase my metabolism, I need to build muscle, and in order to build muscle, I […]
Nerd Fitness Academy
Over the past few weeks, I have realized that the primary impediment to being able to achieve everything I want is my health. I am tired of chronic pain and frequent injury and sickness. I am fed up with being exhausted all the time. I […]
Why I Am Giving Up Running (For A While)
I have been running for 15 years. I’ve run multiple races, including four half-marathons. In August of 2016, I fell during a half-marathon and banged up my knee and shoulder pretty badly. Even though I finished that race, with blood running down my leg, it […]
Moonshadow, Silence, and Blue
This Monday, as most of you know, was the Great American Solar Eclipse. We were so lucky to be right in the path of totality, experiencing almost 2 minutes of total eclipse yumminess. Local schools declared a holiday, I took the day off, and the […]
All Evidence To The Contrary, I Am Still Here
Some of you may have been wondering if I dropped off the edge of the Earth, since the blog has been completely silent for several months. Well, I am here to say that no, I did not drop of the edge of the Earth. Nor […]
I have noticed an interesting phenomenon in the early days of this new year: no one I know is making New Year’s resolutions. People are so shellshocked and careworn from the giant trainwreck that was 2016 that the very idea of trying to make a […]