Category: emotional health

Moonshadow, Silence, and Blue

Moonshadow, Silence, and Blue

This Monday, as most of you know, was the Great American Solar Eclipse. We were so lucky to be right in the path of totality, experiencing almost 2 minutes of total eclipse yumminess. Local schools declared a holiday, I took the day off, and the […]

All Evidence To The Contrary, I Am Still Here

All Evidence To The Contrary, I Am Still Here

Some of you may have been wondering if I dropped off the edge of the Earth, since the blog has been completely silent for several months. Well, I am here to say that no, I did not drop of the edge of the Earth. Nor […]



I have noticed an interesting phenomenon in the early days of this new year: no one I know is making New Year’s resolutions. People are so shellshocked and careworn from the giant trainwreck that was 2016 that the very idea of trying to make a […]

The Cost of The Cure

The Cost of The Cure

As you know, I usually try to be frugal and cost-conscious. We are in the process off paying of all our debt and I want every penny to go towards that, rather than incurring more debt. However, frustration can be the enemy of thriftiness. In […]

Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

It’s time again for Reading Rainbow, in which I, your hostess, link to interesting and insightful articles that I have come across over the past few weeks. This interesting NPR article discusses how paper notebooks continue to be relevant, even in the digital age. In […]

The Lesson I Learned From Dragonvale

The Lesson I Learned From Dragonvale

The other day, I was playing Dragonvale on my iPhone. Now, I mostly use my iPhone to check email, text my husband, call my parents, and occasionally look up something quickly on the internet. But I do love Dragonvale, and I check in on all […]