Category: decluttering

A Successful Day

A Successful Day

Today was what I consider a successful day. I managed to purge my home of several unneeded items, sending them all to new homes where they will be loved and appreciated. The first item was a old dehumidifier. (I live in the South, where dehumidifiers […]

Unofficial National Declutter Day

Unofficial National Declutter Day

It’s Memorial Day weekend, the official holiday of decluttering! I performed my patriotic duty by spending about an hour clearing and cleaning out some space in our third bedroom. I have decided that I would like to have a space in the house for meditation, […]

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

The weather here has been dull and gray all weekend. It doesn’t really make me want to fling open the windows and spring clean. However, it’s not nice enough to go outside and work, so I really have no excuse to not get started if […]



Spring is a time for new beginnings, for clearing out the old and bringing in the new. As a society, we know that “spring cleaning” involves opening the windows, dusting away the cobwebs, and making multiple trips to our favorite donation drop off. But spring […]

Uncluttered:  Laundry Room Edition

Uncluttered: Laundry Room Edition

You may remember that I am again participating in Joshua Becker’s online course Uncluttered. I got off to a late start this time around. However, I was able to make up for lost time last weekend by decluttering and tidying the living room in an […]

Uncluttered:  Kitchen Edition

Uncluttered: Kitchen Edition

A couple of weeks ago, my family completed the kitchen module of Joshua Becker’s online Uncluttered course. When we did our initial survey of the level of clutter in our home at the beginning of the course, we were startled to find that the kitchen […]