Category: simplifying

Uncluttered:   Dining Room Edition

Uncluttered: Dining Room Edition

We are currently in Week 3 of Joshua Becker’s excellent online course Uncluttered. I participated in this course back in the spring / early summer, but only made it to Week 3 before life got in the way of any meaningful progress. However, Joshua, in […]

Thoughts on The More Of Less

Thoughts on The More Of Less

I was very honored to receive an advanced reading copy of Joshua Becker’s new book The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own a few weeks ago. I have been looking forward to Joshua’s new book since he announced it […]

Uncluttered – Week 3 Progress So Far

Uncluttered – Week 3 Progress So Far

We are half way through Week 3 of Joshua Becker’s Uncluttered online course, and have made some really wonderful progress. The assignment for week 3 was to declutter the car, the living room, and any other common rooms, such as the family room or dining […]

The Big Before

The Big Before

As part of my work during Joshua Becker’s Uncluttered online course, I decided to take before photos of all the rooms in our house (with the exception of my daughter’s room). I will be able to look back on these one day and heave a […]

The More Of Less

The More Of Less

I have been lucky enough to receive an advance reading copy of Joshua Becker’s new book The More Of Less. I am so excited and grateful that I was selected to receive an advance reading copy, signed by the author himself! The book arrived Friday, […]

Spring Resolution Update

Spring Resolution Update

We are in the midst of Dogwood Winter, the early April cold snap that seems to hit every year just as the dogwoods are in full bloom. In spite of the chill, Spring has definitely arrived. Everything is blooming, people are out and about, the […]