Decluttering Tips
For today, I have a few decluttering tips, courtesy of Joshua Becker at Becoming Minimalist. The original post is here. start with the easy stuff set small goals give everything a home give yourself permission to let go deal with clutter hotspots declutter daily be […]
Recoup My Coop – Dining Room Corner Declutter – The Plan
As we head into Spring, I thought I would have more interest and enthusiasm for decluttering. You know, spring cleaning and everything. However, I am still struggling with some lingering winter malaise. Yesterday, for example, rather than decluttering or going for a run, I took […]
Bring On Spring
Over the past few days, the weather has been beautiful! The temperature has been in the mid-70s, sunny, and gorgeous. Trees and flowers have begun to burst into bloom. Our tulip popular tree has tiny little green leaves all over it. Two birds have made […]
Lazy Links
Simon (The Wonder Cat) says, “Nuff! Time to relax!” That’s right – it’s time again for Lazy Links, in which I, your hostess, link to interesting and insightful articles that I have come across over the past few weeks (rather than providing original content of […]
Recoup My Coup – Under Table Reveal!
First off, let me start by saying that this has been a crazy hectic week. However, I made it through, have arrived at the weekend, and I intend to relax. It is sunny and warmer today (finally), so I will be doing laundry and hanging […]
Letting Go
It’s sometimes hard to realize something negative about yourself. But when you do, it’s important to own up to it, and make a change. In my job, I work with a lot of different people. Some of them are very nice, and some of them […]