Category: green living



As you know, we purchased an all-electric Nissan Leaf back in January. We absolutely LOVE this car! It is so quiet (no combustion engine), extremely peppy (again no combustion engine), comfortable, tons of room, has great visibility, heated seats, fabulous climate control, and a killer […]

It’s Electric!  Boogey Oogey Oogey

It’s Electric! Boogey Oogey Oogey

Welcome home to our new 2017 Nissan Leaf! Brand new, blue pearl metallic, all electric. No more oil changes, emissions checks, or trips to the gas station. No more worrying about getting stranded somewhere because the alternator goes out – again. Our wonderful Toyota Corolla […]

Investing In The Future

Investing In The Future

With the “without-hot-water” portion of our closet renovation complete, and the memory of many cold showers still fresh in our minds, we have all been enjoying the reinstatement of hot water in our home. AND it seems that the new insulation in the exterior wall […]

Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

It’s time for Reading Rainbow, in which I, your hostess, link to interesting and insightful articles that I have come across over the past few weeks. Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens created this lovely photo essay, entitled A Photo Essay: A Creativity Reboot, which I […]

Set Small Goals

Set Small Goals

An MSN article, reposted by Joshua Becker on Becoming Minimalist, and discussed by me in a previous post, presents seven useful tips for decluttering. The second tip on the list, and the subject of my musings today, is Set Small Goals. This is a powerful […]

Start With The Easy Stuff

Start With The Easy Stuff

An MSN article reposted by Joshua Becker on Becoming Minimalist, which I discussed in my last post, presents seven useful tips for decluttering. The first tip, Start With The Easy Stuff, seems blatantly obvious, but disregarding it has been the downfall of many would-be declutterers […]