
Ice Station My Blue Heaven

Ice Station My Blue Heaven

This morning when I woke up, everything was frozen. The sun was out, and sharp lights glinted off icicles, trees, grass, cars, and pavement. A half an inch of ice, covered with about one inch of snow, had shut down the city. All day today, […]



This post was originally published February 16, 2015. Let it go! Let it go! … No, no, stop, stop, stop! Seriously! STOP THAT! Not THAT Frozen. THIS Frozen: A half an inch of solid ice on the street in front of our house. Perfect for […]

Laundry Love (Part 2) and the Long Runs of Tomorrow

Laundry Love (Part 2) and the Long Runs of Tomorrow

This post was originally published February 9, 2015. The dryer is still broken, but the weather is still beautiful, so it’s time again to play … Laundry Love !! (theme music) Look at all the pretty laundry drying in the warm sun! Even though I […]

Thoughts For The Day

Thoughts For The Day

This post was originally published February 5, 2014. I am sick. I am wondering if anyone would notice if I crawled under my desk and took a nap, a la George Costanza. I am wanting to go home and sit on the sofa with my […]

Laundry Love

Laundry Love

This post was originally published February 3, 2015. I am back at work today, after being sick for the last few days. Steve is still sick and at home, and since our dryer is out of commission until the replacement fuses arrive, he has generously […]

Terrific Tax Return and Super Saturday

Terrific Tax Return and Super Saturday

This post was originally published February 1, 2015. I have been sick the last few days. I stayed home from work on Friday because I felt so bad, and will be home again tomorrow because I feel so bad. But Saturday, for some reason, I […]