
Resolutions and the Heartbreak of RRD

Resolutions and the Heartbreak of RRD

As you know, I made a New Year’s resolution to get the yard in order and under control, after two summers of indifferent care. Well, Fate has decided to take me at my word, it seems! Even though it was cold yesterday, I spent a […]

Breaking in the New Year

Breaking in the New Year

This week, I really didn’t do anything but work. If you are tired of hearing me talk about work, rest assured that I am as well! The organization for which I work is undergoing a major restructuring. The legal close date is February 29. Until […]

Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

It’s time again for Reading Rainbow, in which I, your hostess, link to interesting and insightful articles and items that I have come across over the past few weeks. The Minimalists have launched a new podcast. I listened to the first episode and was instantly […]

New Year’s Resolution Time!

New Year’s Resolution Time!

2016 is well underway and I have yet to post about my New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t think that I had forgotten – I always make New Year’s Resolutions! Resolutions are the reason that New Year’s is one of my favorite holidays, if not my favorite. […]

Holiday Declutter Progress Final Week

Holiday Declutter Progress Final Week

This was the final week for my Holiday Declutter Challenge. I didn’t get too much decluttering done, opting instead for some much needed relaxation. Day 18 I went through the giant pile of mail on the dining room table and tossed or recycled 60 items. […]

The Best of 2015

The Best of 2015

2015 was a frustrating year for us in many ways. Steve was inundated with school work, while I spent most of the year plagued with injuries and illnesses, and so exhausted from work that I had no energy for anything else. I can’t say that […]