Category: running

Starting Simple:  A Plan to Get Fit

Starting Simple: A Plan to Get Fit

After a long, gray winter, too many hours inside on the sofa, and way too many gallons of ice cream, I am ready to embrace spring. I added a few pounds over the winter, mainly due to lack of motivation, weather conditions, and a string […]

Super Cheap and Easy Glory Display

Super Cheap and Easy Glory Display

Since it’s the weekend, I have a super cheap and easy project to share. For several years, I have wanted to get a hanger for my running medals. I don’t have that many medals, but I do have a few, and I would like to […]



A lot is going on for my family and I this week . My daughter has two tracks meets, each of which lasts about 5 hours, as well as a soccer game and a piano recital this weekend. Steve is nearing the end of the […]

Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

It’s time for Reading Rainbow, previously known as Lazy Links, in which I, your hostess, link to interesting and insightful articles that I have come across over the past few weeks. The Horror of Amazon’s New Dash Button discusses how we will be able to […]

Oh, Thank Goodness!

Oh, Thank Goodness!

A couple of weeks ago, we had an especially beautiful evening and I decided to go for a run on the greenway. The pinched nerve in my shoulder seems to finally be healed, the weather is getting warm and nice, and I am ready to […]

Getting Up Off The Couch

Getting Up Off The Couch

Here in Middle Tennessee, we are finally starting to get back to normal after last week’s ice storm. I returned to work and my husband resumed classes on Monday, and my daughter will be returning to school tomorrow, now that most of the roads are […]