


I have noticed an interesting phenomenon in the early days of this new year: no one I know is making New Year’s resolutions. People are so shellshocked and careworn from the giant trainwreck that was 2016 that the very idea of trying to make a […]

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

Early this morning, my dear sweet kitty Fifi lost her battle with lymphoma. She had been hospitalized overnight on December 23 to receive fluids, a blood transfusion, and her latest round of chemotherapy. But on Christmas Eve, she came home with us, feeling better than […]

Life On Hold

Life On Hold

Sometimes, things happen in life that require you to press pause on everything else. And to realize what is really important and what is just noise. The day after Thanksgiving, my dear sweet kitty Fifi was diagnosed with cancer – large cell lymphoma to be […]

Black Friday

Black Friday

Today is Black Friday. Millions of Americans will hit the shops this weekend to take advantage of holiday sales. Interestingly, there doesn’t seem to be a consensus about whether there will be a massive turnout of shoppers or if the biggest shopping day of the […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

And now, per tradition, here is Bridget, the official kitty of Thanksgiving! “I’m ready for dinner. Bring on the turkey!” – Bridget Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

Uncluttered:  Kitchen Edition

Uncluttered: Kitchen Edition

A couple of weeks ago, my family completed the kitchen module of Joshua Becker’s online Uncluttered course. When we did our initial survey of the level of clutter in our home at the beginning of the course, we were startled to find that the kitchen […]