A Day of Rest
This post was originally published November 23, 2014. Today was a lovely restful Sunday. I had coffee while I read and caught up on my minimalist blogs. It was raining and gray outside, though thankfully not as cold as it has been. After breakfast and […]
13.1 Miles Is Not Half Anything
This post was originally published November 22, 2014. We have done very little renovating or minimizing over the past couple of months. Last spring, I competed in the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run in Washington, D.C. About a week later, in a residual runner’s high, […]
Where have I been? Well …
This post was originally published September 11, 2014. I haven’t posted in so long, because I was out enjoying one of the nicest summers we have had in a long while. Usually the summers in this area are hot and humid, and after the 4th […]
Time To Wake Up And Smell The Fabric Softener
This post was originally published May 28, 2014. Before we could start painting the house, we had a couple of other emergency tasks that arose: the water heater stopped working, the dryer stopped working, and water from the bath tub supply line in the upstairs […]
You Know What They Say About The Best Laid Plans …
This post was originally published May 27, 2014. As I mentioned in my very first post, we need to paint our house. Once upon a time, it was a lovely dark teal blue. It has since faded to a sort of teal-ish pea green color. […]
We Interrupt Our Regularly Schedule Renovations To Bring You …
This post was originally published May 16, 2014. Our new garden beds! We decided to expand our garden beds this year. Here are last year’s garden beds as they looked this past winter: We built these beds three years ago. The boards had deteriorated to […]