
The Lesson I Learned From Dragonvale

The Lesson I Learned From Dragonvale

The other day, I was playing Dragonvale on my iPhone. Now, I mostly use my iPhone to check email, text my husband, call my parents, and occasionally look up something quickly on the internet. But I do love Dragonvale, and I check in on all […]

Super Cheap and Easy Glory Display

Super Cheap and Easy Glory Display

Since it’s the weekend, I have a super cheap and easy project to share. For several years, I have wanted to get a hanger for my running medals. I don’t have that many medals, but I do have a few, and I would like to […]

Inspiration From The Simple Living Counter Culture Movement

Inspiration From The Simple Living Counter Culture Movement

I don’t recall the moment that I decided that I had had enough of buying things that didn’t make me happy. Or the moment that I realized that the reason that we never have any money was because we spent it all on stuff. Or […]



A lot is going on for my family and I this week . My daughter has two tracks meets, each of which lasts about 5 hours, as well as a soccer game and a piano recital this weekend. Steve is nearing the end of the […]

A Perfect Saturday

A Perfect Saturday

Yesterday was a nice relaxing Saturday. Th sun came out for the first time in a week, and even though it was a little humid from the days and days (and days) of rain, the weather was great for all kinds of outdoorsiness. My daughter […]

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Phase 1, Part 2:  Eeewww! Factor Edition

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Phase 1, Part 2: Eeewww! Factor Edition

Monday evening, I decided to remove the beaverboard / wallboard / whatever-it-is from the ceiling of the coat closet. I didn’t want to just smash through the ceiling and have all the little pieces falling on my head, so instead I decided to try to […]