
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Bridget, The Official Kitty of Thanksgiving! “I’z ready! Where’s da turkey?” Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

I have noticed that since Halloween the number of pre-Black Friday emails showing up in my inbox has increased exponentially. “Get ready for Black Friday!”, “Sneak peek at Black Friday deals!”, and on and on. Just so we are clear, the only way that I […]

The Decluttering Season

The Decluttering Season

As many of you know, I am a runner. However, I have not been running much lately. A string of illnesses and injuries have kept me off the roads and the trails. Now that the weather has turned colder, and it is almost dark when […]

Electricity, Electricity

Electricity, Electricity

Anyone else remember the Schoolhouse Rock about electricity? “Electricity, E-lec-tricity …” Anyway, that’s what we now have in the closet! I was very nervous about this part of the project. It seems like every time we try to do something in the house, we find […]

Rabbit Holes

Rabbit Holes

Where I work work, we frequently encounter rabbit holes. No, I do not work at a bunny day care. A rabbit hole, in the common vernacular, is a series of investigations or activities which lead one to the other in a disorienting fashion, without ever […]

Pneumonia and Other Ills

Pneumonia and Other Ills

A few days before Halloween, I noticed that I wasn’t feeling well. I had a cough and sore throat at first, and then developed a lot of congestion. Then, the cough became worse and I started running a fever. I finally broke down Sunday and […]