RW Run Streak Update
I missed two days in the RW Run Streak challenge last week, Thursday and Friday. On both days, I had obligations that took precedence over running. With my short streak technically broken, and since my back was also bothering me, I took the opportunity to […]
Be a Good Gatekeeper
An MSN article reposted by Joshua Becker on Becoming Minimalist, which I discussed in a previous post, presents seven useful tips for decluttering. This is my third post in my series examining each of these tips, but today I am going to skip ahead and […]
Holiday Declutter Progress Week One
Since I started my Holiday Declutter Streak, I have purged my home nearly 200 items. For those of you who follow me on Twitter, I have recorded my progress daily on Twitter with #HolidayDeclutterStreak. Day 1 The first day, I decluttered the cabinet above the […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Top It Off Edition
It’s time for the final stages of The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project, and as usual in the final stages of a project, I seem to have lost a little momentum. Still, it has to be done, so I devoted some time yesterday to hanging […]
#HolidayDeclutterStreak Day One
While I do not intend to bore you with 35 days of decluttering photos, I thought I would devote a post to my #HolidayDeclutterStreak kickoff. Before I started this challenge I spent some time with my Passion Planner and made a list of 35 spots […]
The Real Black Friday
In our home, we have a little tradition called “Fifi Friday”. What is this marvelous custom, you may ask? Well, we come home Friday afternoon and spend the evening relaxing with our kitties. That’s pretty much it. Usually, my little black kitty Fifi snuggles on […]