Category: home
Reading Rainbow
It’s time again for Reading Rainbow, in which I, your hostess, link to interesting and insightful articles that I have come across over the past few weeks. This interesting NPR article discusses how paper notebooks continue to be relevant, even in the digital age. In […]
Frugal Fix-It Weekend
This weekend, I got a lot accomplished. While that may not sound like a big deal to you, it is a big deal for me. You see, usually I head into the weekend with a long wish list of Things I Want To Get Done. […]
In Hot Water
As it turns out, my optimism about the improved water heater efficiency was short-lived. The next day, I went to shower and ran out of hot water! I came downstairs, and the water heater had no power. My first thought was that the circuit breaker […]
Investing In The Future
With the “without-hot-water” portion of our closet renovation complete, and the memory of many cold showers still fresh in our minds, we have all been enjoying the reinstatement of hot water in our home. AND it seems that the new insulation in the exterior wall […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Hot Water Is On The Way!
Hurray! We got the trim installed and caulked, and finally, finally got the water heater reinstalled. Now we are just waiting for the water to heat so we can shower. Here is what the closet looked like this morning when we got started: First, I […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Procrastinators Don’t Get Hot Showers
I really didn’t want to sand today. Crawling into the back of the closet and having spackle dust fall into my hair, while my goggles fog up to the point that I can’t even see, and my breathing is completely restricted by the dust mask […]