Category: home

Why Is There A Hole In My Ceiling?

Why Is There A Hole In My Ceiling?

For nearly a year now, we have had a large hole in our living room ceiling, right over the front door. Before the large hole, it was a large hole covered roughly with a piece of bare ceiling board. And before that is was a […]

Ice Station My Blue Heaven

Ice Station My Blue Heaven

This morning when I woke up, everything was frozen. The sun was out, and sharp lights glinted off icicles, trees, grass, cars, and pavement. A half an inch of ice, covered with about one inch of snow, had shut down the city. All day today, […]



This post was originally published February 16, 2015. Let it go! Let it go! … No, no, stop, stop, stop! Seriously! STOP THAT! Not THAT Frozen. THIS Frozen: A half an inch of solid ice on the street in front of our house. Perfect for […]

Laundry Love (Part 2) and the Long Runs of Tomorrow

Laundry Love (Part 2) and the Long Runs of Tomorrow

This post was originally published February 9, 2015. The dryer is still broken, but the weather is still beautiful, so it’s time again to play … Laundry Love !! (theme music) Look at all the pretty laundry drying in the warm sun! Even though I […]

Thank You, 2014

Thank You, 2014

This post was originally published December 31, 2014. As we count down the final hours of 2014, some will be happy to see the old year end. For me and for my family, however, 2014 was a very good year. So many positive things happened […]

Even a small victory is a victory!

Even a small victory is a victory!

This post was originally published December 2, 2014. This past Sunday, we enjoyed a particularly warm and balmy November day. It was overcast and slightly breezy, the perfect day to put the second coat of paint on the front of the house. Since we only […]