Tag: roses
Rose Garden Finalists
I spent part of each day this past weekend pulling out weeds, stumps, seedlings, and old rose bushes in my yard. The weather was warm, for February, and sunny, and it was nice to get outside and enjoy a little fresh air and sunshine. I […]
January Resolution Update
It’s the last weekend of January, so it’s time to check in and see how the 2016 resolutions are going. I feel that I achieved about a 95 out of 100 this past week for my daily resolutions. My daily practices are starting to become […]
Resolutions and the Heartbreak of RRD
As you know, I made a New Year’s resolution to get the yard in order and under control, after two summers of indifferent care. Well, Fate has decided to take me at my word, it seems! Even though it was cold yesterday, I spent a […]
Breaking in the New Year
This week, I really didn’t do anything but work. If you are tired of hearing me talk about work, rest assured that I am as well! The organization for which I work is undergoing a major restructuring. The legal close date is February 29. Until […]