Tag: kitties
Thoughts For The Day
This post was originally published February 5, 2014. I am sick. I am wondering if anyone would notice if I crawled under my desk and took a nap, a la George Costanza. I am wanting to go home and sit on the sofa with my […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
This post was originally published November 28, 2014. I just wanted to share a picture of our dining room table. We decluttered it yesterday for Thanksgiving, and actually had a meal at the table! The only thing left from the piles of junk mail, magazines, […]
We Interrupt Our Regularly Schedule Renovations To Bring You …
This post was originally published May 16, 2014. Our new garden beds! We decided to expand our garden beds this year. Here are last year’s garden beds as they looked this past winter: We built these beds three years ago. The boards had deteriorated to […]