
Uncluttered:  Laundry Room Edition

Uncluttered: Laundry Room Edition

You may remember that I am again participating in Joshua Becker’s online course Uncluttered. I got off to a late start this time around. However, I was able to make up for lost time last weekend by decluttering and tidying the living room in an […]

Miss Elizabeth Bandy Bennett, AKA Lizzy the Busy Dizzy Kitty

Miss Elizabeth Bandy Bennett, AKA Lizzy the Busy Dizzy Kitty

I would like everyone to help me welcome the latest addition to our little family, Miss Elizabeth Bandy Bennett, fondly know as Lizzy, Izzy, Lil’ Bit, or Stop That. After Fifi passed away, our entire family sank into sadness. The house seemed so empty without […]

My Bullet Journal:  Two Week Review

My Bullet Journal: Two Week Review

I have been using my bullet journal for two weeks now. During the first week, I carried my Passion Planner as well, so that I could learn how to plan with my new journal while not losing the benefits of my existing planner. But going […]

Why I Am Trying A Bullet Journal

Why I Am Trying A Bullet Journal

Two years ago this month, I got my first Passion Planner, and the planner has been with me literally every day since then. Each morning, when I get to work, I pull out my Passion Planner and spend a few moments going through my plans […]

It’s Electric!  Boogey Oogey Oogey

It’s Electric! Boogey Oogey Oogey

Welcome home to our new 2017 Nissan Leaf! Brand new, blue pearl metallic, all electric. No more oil changes, emissions checks, or trips to the gas station. No more worrying about getting stranded somewhere because the alternator goes out – again. Our wonderful Toyota Corolla […]

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project:  The Drywall Is Done, Mr. Frodo

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project: The Drywall Is Done, Mr. Frodo

Remember The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project? Yes, that’s right, the one that I started nearly two years ago. Well, today I finished hanging the drywall. Big woop, you might say. Well, it IS a big woop. Hanging drywall in our house is a freaking […]