
2005 Was A Good Year

2005 Was A Good Year

This post was originally published December 11, 2014. Last Friday night, we decided to have spaghetti for dinner, so I volunteered to cook (yes – I define boiling water as cooking!). While I was in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil, I decided […]

Things I have found new homes for this week

Things I have found new homes for this week

This post was originally published December 4, 2014. Considering that I have not had a lot of time to declutter lately, what with the mad end-of-semester push for both my husband and daughter, I feel like it has been a fairly successful week. I have […]

Even a small victory is a victory!

Even a small victory is a victory!

This post was originally published December 2, 2014. This past Sunday, we enjoyed a particularly warm and balmy November day. It was overcast and slightly breezy, the perfect day to put the second coat of paint on the front of the house. Since we only […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This post was originally published November 28, 2014. I just wanted to share a picture of our dining room table. We decluttered it yesterday for Thanksgiving, and actually had a meal at the table! The only thing left from the piles of junk mail, magazines, […]

Clean Sweep

Clean Sweep

This post was originally published November 24, 2014. Tonight, we had pasta for dinner. In the time it took for the water to come to a boil, and then for the pasta to cook, I went through the cabinet above the kitchen sink where we […]

A good deed

A good deed

This post was originally published November 24, 2014. I was thrilled to see this in my e-newsletter at work this morning! I have been trying to get Vanderbilt, where I work, to do a story about my daughter’s awesome school for a while. Vanderbilt has […]