The Pay Off
Monday night, we were watching TV when we heard the washing machine go beep … beep … beep … beep. That’s the noise that it makes when something is wrong. When I went to check it, I found that the cycle had finished, but the […]
Reading Rainbow
The weather has turned cool and rainy as remnants of Hurricane Patricia move through the area. All the trees are starting to change to their pretty fall colors. But sometime mid-Saturday, I started coughing. Then, I woke up Sunday with a sore throat. Now, two […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project – Insulate Me!
I am pleased to announce that this winter we will have no icy drafts coming in under closet door. No more extra work for the water heater, having to compensate for the cooler temperature in the uninsulated closet. Because as of yesterday, the closet is […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project – Outlets and Switches and Romex, Oh My!
In my last post, I showed you the latest progress in The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project. I had installed the electrical boxes and drilled holes to run the Romex. As it turns out, I had forgotten that 12/2 NM is not quite as flexible […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project – Box Rough-In
Last weekend, I was all geared up to get some work done on The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project. However, because of the disarray in our house, it took me an hour to locate my special Arlington Slider boxes. Then, I turned the house upside […]
A Little Sparkle
I spent most of yesterday formulating a plan for the electrical work in the closet. When I woke up this morning, I had finally hit on a configuration that I believe will work. With the electrical plan at long last complete, I want to start […]