Category: holidays

Unraveling the new year

Unraveling the new year

This post was originally published January 9, 2015. The new year is just over a week old, and I return to work on Monday. I have been on vacation since January 1. I like to take time off the first week of the new year, […]

Thank You, 2014

Thank You, 2014

This post was originally published December 31, 2014. As we count down the final hours of 2014, some will be happy to see the old year end. For me and for my family, however, 2014 was a very good year. So many positive things happened […]



This post was originally published December 26, 2014. Though Christmas is upon us, we are just now getting started in earnest with the Christmas decorating! One of my plans is to go through all our decorations and ornaments as we take them out (and later […]

Yuletide Reflections

Yuletide Reflections

This post was originally published December 23, 2014. This Sunday was Yule, the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. To celebrate, we had a fire in our backyard chiminea. Even though Christmas is just a couple of days away, I am already thinking […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This post was originally published November 28, 2014. I just wanted to share a picture of our dining room table. We decluttered it yesterday for Thanksgiving, and actually had a meal at the table! The only thing left from the piles of junk mail, magazines, […]