
Return of The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project

Return of The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project

“So whatever happened with that coat closet that you were remodeling?”, someone who knows me might ask. Well, it’s still not done. So, what’s the hold up? The electrical. I want to install new overhead pot lights (on a switch of course), three new outlets, […]

Nothing Much

Nothing Much

The answer to the question, “What have you been up to lately?” is “Nothing much”. As I mentioned in my last post, work has been more demanding lately, leaving me fairly exhausted at the end of the week. Usually, I head into the weekend with […]

The Leibster Award

The Leibster Award

I have exciting news! Angela at Setting My Intention has nominated me for The Liebster Award. This is an award given to smaller bloggers by other smaller bloggers in recognition of their work. I was so thrilled that Angela, whose blog I greatly enjoy, thought […]



It’s been almost two months since my last post. I have spent the past two months trying to improve my health, heal my running injuries, and in general relax. I have been reading quite a lot, running when I can, especially on the trails, and […]

Into The Woods

Into The Woods

I have been completely lazy about blogging, decluttering, and home improvement projects lately. I have been letting the summer days slip lazily away, sleeping late on weekends, doing what I want when I feel like it, and enjoying the endless supply of sunshine. I always […]

The Cost of The Cure

The Cost of The Cure

As you know, I usually try to be frugal and cost-conscious. We are in the process off paying of all our debt and I want every penny to go towards that, rather than incurring more debt. However, frustration can be the enemy of thriftiness. In […]