


I found my missing hand-knit gray wool sock! It was behind a paint can in the laundry room. Happy dance.



My Blue Heaven In The ‘Burbs! Now with even more BLUE! I got the foundation painted! Remember the before? And here, again, is the after.



Today I am happy that the sun is finally shining again! This is the third day in a row of sunshine. I feel like Spring might really, truly be here. I can hear birds singing outside, and the daffodils in my yard are starting to […]

Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Over the past few months, during the dark, dreary days of winter, I have become less and less motivated, less and less interested in the things around me. All I feel like doing is watching TV and sleeping. Maybe reading a little. I get up, […]

Recoup My Coop – Dining Room Corner:  Progress!

Recoup My Coop – Dining Room Corner: Progress!

Remember a loooong time ago, almost a year ago, when I started the Recoup My Coup series? And remember a post entitled, Recoup My Coop – Dining Room Corner Declutter – The Plan? Well, I’ve finally made some progress! These were the main items that […]

Spa Day

Spa Day

One of the things that I wanted to do with some of our tax refund was purchase new towels for the bathroom. We have towels, in a variety of bright, cheerful colors, that are getting a little worn, but are still totally usable. But somehow […]