Category: remodeling
The Good Old Summertime
Summer is in full force here in the sunny South, with the heat and humidity both turned up to 11. We are still a month or so away from the “dog days” of summer, those dry, brown, heat-baked days when the only sound is the […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Top It Off Edition
It’s time for the final stages of The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project, and as usual in the final stages of a project, I seem to have lost a little momentum. Still, it has to be done, so I devoted some time yesterday to hanging […]
Electricity, Electricity
Anyone else remember the Schoolhouse Rock about electricity? “Electricity, E-lec-tricity …” Anyway, that’s what we now have in the closet! I was very nervous about this part of the project. It seems like every time we try to do something in the house, we find […]
Rabbit Holes
Where I work work, we frequently encounter rabbit holes. No, I do not work at a bunny day care. A rabbit hole, in the common vernacular, is a series of investigations or activities which lead one to the other in a disorienting fashion, without ever […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project – Insulate Me!
I am pleased to announce that this winter we will have no icy drafts coming in under closet door. No more extra work for the water heater, having to compensate for the cooler temperature in the uninsulated closet. Because as of yesterday, the closet is […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project – Outlets and Switches and Romex, Oh My!
In my last post, I showed you the latest progress in The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project. I had installed the electrical boxes and drilled holes to run the Romex. As it turns out, I had forgotten that 12/2 NM is not quite as flexible […]