Category: painting

Minimal Effort Project with Lots of Impact

Minimal Effort Project with Lots of Impact

Recently, I saw this post on the House of Hepworths blog. Allison removed the ugly pull cord from her attic stairs and replaced it with a sleek eye-bolt and pull hook. (She has the step-by-step details, including a supply list, in her post.) I decided […]

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Procrastinators Don’t Get Hot Showers

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Procrastinators Don’t Get Hot Showers

I really didn’t want to sand today. Crawling into the back of the closet and having spackle dust fall into my hair, while my goggles fog up to the point that I can’t even see, and my breathing is completely restricted by the dust mask […]

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project!

The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project!

We are heading into the first weekend after Easter, which means that it is time to kick off … The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! {booming echo} For those of you who may not know, we have a closet under the stairs which I intend […]

Thank You, 2014

Thank You, 2014

This post was originally published December 31, 2014. As we count down the final hours of 2014, some will be happy to see the old year end. For me and for my family, however, 2014 was a very good year. So many positive things happened […]

You Know What They Say About The Best Laid Plans …

You Know What They Say About The Best Laid Plans …

This post was originally published May 27, 2014. As I mentioned in my very first post, we need to paint our house. Once upon a time, it was a lovely dark teal blue. It has since faded to a sort of teal-ish pea green color. […]