Category: home
How To Replace a Circuit Breaker and Not Get Killed
In my ongoing attempts to fix our heat pump, I decided to replace the circuit breaker in our panel. Both my husband and I had noted that the breaker grew quite warm while it was on, which was a little scary. It also became difficult […]
Replacing a Heat Pump Condenser Contactor
Three weeks ago, I had never even heard of a “heat pump condenser contactor”, and now here I am writing a post about it! What happened three weeks ago? Well, my husband came home to find that the temperature downstairs in our house was around […]
The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project! – Top It Off Edition
It’s time for the final stages of The Great Coat Closet Remodel Project, and as usual in the final stages of a project, I seem to have lost a little momentum. Still, it has to be done, so I devoted some time yesterday to hanging […]
Electricity, Electricity
Anyone else remember the Schoolhouse Rock about electricity? “Electricity, E-lec-tricity …” Anyway, that’s what we now have in the closet! I was very nervous about this part of the project. It seems like every time we try to do something in the house, we find […]
Rabbit Holes
Where I work work, we frequently encounter rabbit holes. No, I do not work at a bunny day care. A rabbit hole, in the common vernacular, is a series of investigations or activities which lead one to the other in a disorienting fashion, without ever […]
The Pay Off
Monday night, we were watching TV when we heard the washing machine go beep … beep … beep … beep. That’s the noise that it makes when something is wrong. When I went to check it, I found that the cycle had finished, but the […]