It’s the last weekend of January, so it’s time to check in and see how the 2016 resolutions are going.
I feel that I achieved about a 95 out of 100 this past week for my daily resolutions. My daily practices are starting to become great new habits!
I did my resistance band physical therapy exercises twice a day, drank plenty of water each day, and used my standing desk at work for at least an hour each day.
Well Being
I spent at least 5 minutes a day (most days) sitting (or standing) quietly and just being in the present. And I recorded a daily gratitude every day (even on the day that sucked).
We ate out more than I would have liked to this weekend, but didn’t eat out once during the week. I have finalized my selection of roses for the front flower beds, and spent yesterday removing all the rose rosette infected roses in that location. Today, since the weather is nice again, I will continue clearing the overgrown beds. I am considering the front beds my monthly decluttering goal.
I have not been running, first due to Arctic Sharknado and Blizzard-zilla, and now to an inner ear infection or disturbance that has left me with quite an acute case of vertigo and dizziness. My eating could use improvement as well. However, overall, I feel like I have implemented some positive changes thus far this year.
For the month of February, I will continue the good habits that I started in January. I also hope to ease back into running, weather and health permitting. We will limit eating-out or getting take-out to once a week. I will also finish hanging the drywall in the closet, finish clearing out the front beds, and remove the remaining infected rose bushes, which will be my decluttering task for February.