Being home on vacation has given me a chance to spend time with my dear kitties. However, I have discovered a few things:
1. In the morning, Simon lounges on the sofa, the whole sofa. He is so big that he can easily stretch out and take up the whole space. In the afternoon, he lounges on what is usually my end of the sofa, when I am home, since Steve is usually around and sits on the other end of the sofa. My presence in the house has upset his routine. He has been miffed most of the week, and has taken to flouncing off in a huff whenever I ask him to please move.

2. In Bridget’s mind, I am a poor substitute for Steve. When he comes home, she leaps on his lap and gives me a superior look. Of course when my daughter shows up, we are both forgotten. Bridget tolerates me during the day, but it is obvious that she is wondering why I am home, and when will I be leaving. Bridget is highly intelligent. I often get the impression that she is bored, and would like a Rubix cube, or perhaps a chemistry set or some Tinker toys.

3. Isabella sleeps, a lot. She sleeps on the right arm of the sofa, then has a snack, then sleeps on the left arm of the sofa. Then, she will go out for a while, and do a quick perimeter patrol of our yard. Then she comes back in and does it all again. Sometimes she will wander upstairs, just to look around, but she seems to prefer the downstairs. Often she will dream and have a little smile on her kitty face. I always wonder what she is dreaming about. Isabella will be 16 years old next month, but she doesn’t act any than our other cats, other than being The One In Charge Of All Things. Isabella runs the household.

4. Fifi likes me being home. She sits on my lap while I watch TV or read. She also likes to follow the sunspots around the house. I think Fifi would like it if I were home all the time. Fifi does NOT like the mailman. When he delivers our mail, she growls at the door and then runs upstairs. She is my extra special friend, and I love her dearly. Also, she has way too many toys.